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      發(fā)布時間:2024-06-07 22:02:00 | 來源:中尼鐵路和南亞交流公眾號 | 作者: | 責(zé)任編輯:曹川川


      China-Nepal Railway and South Asia Exchange 




      Eight People Talk About China Story: Foster a Strong Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation (5)

      (中國西藏,山南市隆子縣的玉麥鄉(xiāng) Yumai Township, Longzi County, Shannan City, Xizang Autonomous Region, China)

      本期主持人 (Moderator):


      Professor Xirao Nima, Minzu University of China

      對話人 (The interlocutor):


      Professor Sun Yong, Western China Frontier Research Institute, Sichuan Normal University


      Suonang Dunzhu, Resident of Yumai Township, Longzi County, Shannan City, Xizang Autonomous Region


      Balmukunda Regmi, Professor, Tribhuvan University, Nepal, Visiting Professor of Advanced Research Institute of Sichuan Normal University


      Professor Amin Bazrafshan, University of Tehran, Iran


      Dr. Bimala Dahal, Selected Tour and Travels, Nepal


      Yang Rongtao, Associate Researcher, West China Frontier Research Institute, Sichuan Normal University


      Bao Jinyun Lecturer, Xizang Autonomous Region School of Administration


      Dr. Xu Zhuo, School of History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

      (玉麥鄉(xiāng)的人們在節(jié)日里跳起歡樂的舞蹈 People in Yumai Township danced happily during the festival)


      Host: Dear scholars, hello! It is my great pleasure to be invited by the Institute of West China Frontier Studies of Sichuan Normal University to be the moderator of this dialogue"China-Nepal Railway and South Asian Exchanges". China is moving into the future with vigor and vitality. People of all ethnic groups living in China are held together like pomegranate seeds. Just like the previous dialogues at this public account, shcolars shared their own stories in the story of China. I am very happy to read that this influenced Wechat account mentioned my hometown - Garze, Sichuan Province, and the Sichuan Minzu College in Garze. I came out of Garze, studied and developed in Beijing, and became an cademic member of Tibetology. I noticed that Yumai in Xizang was mentioned in the 64th edition of the International Friendly Scholars' Dialogue, and today we will focus on this topic. Let me introduce Professor Sun Yong, who has worked in Xizang for many years.


      Sun Yong: OK, thank you! Scholars in China who study Xizang are very familiar with Professor Xirao Nima, who has worked in the academic field for many years and has achieved a lot! I am very happy that you could come to this public account to work as the moderator of this topic dialogue! In issue 64 of this public account, international friend Dr. Bimala Dahal talked about Yumai Township in Xizang, and this story was told by Yang Rongtao in issue 63. In fact, this story has spread widely in China, and many people have been moved by this story. We are also joined this time by Mr. Suolang Dunzhu from where this story takes place. He is now doing grass-roots service in Yumai.


      Host: I have heard of this touching story and would like to hear Suolang Dunzhu, a native of Yumai, tell us about it again.


      Bimala Dahal: What a great suggestion from the host! This public account must have made a lot of efforts in telling the story of China Xizang! I also want to know more about the story of Yumai.


      Suolang Dunzhu: Thank you! Please allow me to make an introduction to my new identity. I am the promoter of the Xizang 2023"Winter Tour Shannan" tourism resources and route product promotion meeting, and the product I recommend is my hometown. A reporter recommended my project and me like this- this is a"Home is Yumai, and country is China" product brought by Suolang Dunzhu, the grandson of eldly Sangjie Quba, with a familiy of three, herding and guarding the border for decades.


      Regmi: That's interesting! I myself have always thought that China is a rich mine, with many, many treasures. This requires our international friendly scholars to continue to learn and gain benefits through exchanges with Chinese scholars.


      Amin: I'd like to know this story from Xizang, China. Would you please continue with your own story, Mr. Suolang Dunzhu?


      Suolang Dunzhu: My hometown of Yumai is located in the northeast of Longzi County, Shannan City, on the China-India border. In the 1960s, due to the long distance, hostile environment and harassment by bandits, most of the residents moved away one after another, leaving only my family, so it was once known as"the least populated village in China". At that time, in the more than 3,000 square kilometers of Yumai Township, there were only three people, my grandfather, mother and aunt.

      (玉麥鄉(xiāng)的大山和山林以及草場和民居 Mountains and forests as well as grasslands and dwellings at Yumai Township)


      Host: Anyone who knows about Xizang knows that the natural and transportation conditions there, as well as the small population, have always been a big problem. However, Yumai is located on the border in a situation that may be hard for outsiders to imagine. Please everbody keep talking.


      Bao Jinyun: I am glad to know that Professor Xirao Nima, a famous scholar, is participating in and moderating this dialogue. I have read your books and have received a lot. Thank you! Well, many of our scholars working in Xizang have heard of the situation in Yumai Township at some point. I myself once went to Shannan to do field research, almost went to Yumai. While because of the traffic problems at that time, we didnot arrive at Yumai finally.


      Xu Zhuo: I would like to express my gratitude to Professor Xirao Nima for moderating the conversation! The Xizang Autonomous Region is well aware of the situation in Solang Dundup's hometown. I know that in order to change the traffic in Yumai, the Xizang Autonomous Region government has made plans and invested in construction.


      Solang Dunzhu: Yes, in February 2018, Xizang began to implement the rural revitalization strategy that combines poverty alleviation and prosperity for border residents with safeguarding the border and strengthening the border. Since 2018, Yumai Township has also undergone great changes, and various supporting facilities and public service facilities have been gradually improved; In 2019, the Quyu Asphalt Highway was fully completed, solving the problem of the mountain being blocked by heavy snow every year in our place; At the same time, the National grid is connected to Yumai, and we also use safe and stable electricity. In 2022, the township's per capita disposable income is 41,037 yuan, per capita living area is 40 square meters. What was once a"three-person township" has become a"well-off township" with two administrative villages under its jurisdiction.

      (“天邊格桑花”藝術(shù)巡回演出對玉麥的展示"Horizon Gesang Flower" art tour show of Yumai)


      Sun Yong: The changes in Yumai are really great! Bao Jinyun and I were in similar situation. After driving to Shannan, because of the traffic difficulties, I also could not go to Yumai. Unexpectedly, the face of Yumai has changed dramatically.


      Xu Zhuo: I read from the literature that in the 1990s, after the deeds of the two sisters Zhuoga and Yangzong, led by Sanjay Quba, were reported to the whole country through the media, the people of the whole country were deeply moved by their patriotic feelings, and the letters expressing their admiration for the two sisters, like snowflakes on the Yumaili Mountain, flew to this remote village, filled with two sacks.


      Yang Rongtao: I went to Xizang two years ago to participate in academic exchange activities and heard the story of Yumai. Later, when I was doing a national Social Science Fund project with Professor Sun Yong, we talked about Yumai again in the project. Because in the selected subject cases, there was a reply from the state leader to the two sisters in Yumai Township, which deeply impressed me on this border township in Xizang.


      Amin: Well, Mr. Yang Rongtao, I'd like to know about the Chinese state leader's reply to the Yumai sisters. In the previous dialogue hosted by Professor Regmi, Ms. Bimala Dahal talked about Yumai. I only took this matter as an example, did not expect that there are so many fascinating stories.


      Yang Rongtao: As many people in China know, on October 28, 2017, the Chinese state leader wrote a reply to the letter of Zhuoga and Yangzong of Yumai. The letter said,"Home is Yumai, and the country is China. Grazing and guarding the border is the duty.These words are very good. Where there is a country, there is a home, and without peace on the border, there is no peace for all".


      Xu Zhuo: Yes, the letter also said,"Every grass and tree in the territory of the motherland, we must take good care of it. I hope you will continue to inherit the spirit of patriotic border protection, and lead more herdsmen to take root in the snowy border like Gesang flowers, and be guardians of the sacred land and builders of happy homes".


      Amin: I am moved by what you said. This is really a typical example of"Fostering a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation."


      Regmi: Yes, from this, I also feel that there are many people in the Chinese academic circle who study the proposition of"forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation", and there are many stories to tell.


      Bimala Dahal: From the point of view of communication, what can make the audience understand and resonate must be moved by the communicator.


      Suolang Dunzhu: The people who received the reply from our national leader are all my elders, my family members, one is my mother, the other is my aunt. My family has been touched by this letter for many days. We are determined to protect this land and make our hometown more beautiful.


      Bao Jinyun: I have seen this letter in the major medias, and it reads like this at the end:"The 19th National Congress has just been held, and the Party will lead the people of all ethnic groups to create a better life. I believe that with the joint efforts of everyone, Yumai, once a"three-person township", will be able to build a happy and beautiful well-off township, and the villagers' life will be more prosperous!"


      Amin: Hearing the Chinese academic colleagues paraphrase the contents of this letter, I feel even more how good it is to enjoy peace away from war! From this experience, I realized that the"Chinese nation community" shares a common destiny.


      Suolang Dunzhu: I love my homeland. As the first college student in Yumai Township, in 2017, after my graduation, I chose to return to my hometown and serve the villagers. In 2019, after graduating from university, Basan Zhuoga, the eldest daughter of aunt Zhuoga, also returned to Niulintang Village in Yumai Township to become a rural revitalization specialist. My sister Basan Zhuoga and I have a common wish:"We are willing to stick to the land and promote the development of our hometown like our grandfather, mother and aunt." Now our children often patrol the border with our mother and aunt.

      (玉麥鄉(xiāng)的卓嘎、央宗姐妹常年堅持為國家巡邏邊境Zhuoga and Yangzong sisters of Yumai Township always insist on patrolling the border for the country)


      Host: This kind of dialogue is of mutual interest to us and is very meaningful. Let's continue the discussion.


      Regmi: The moderator's suggestion is very good. I would like to ask my colleagues in the Chinese academia, what is the explanation of this phenomenon in academic research?


      Sun Yong: Professor Regmi is an old acquaintance of ours, a well-known Nepali medical expert, a sociologist, and a historian. I don't think it's easy to explain it all here. But from the perspective of cultural psychology, this is a kind of"empathy", that is,"same psychological phenomenon", which is related to the identity of the Chinese people, that is, the identity of the motherland.


      Yang Rongtao: I should say that Professor Sun Yong gave a good answer. I think this is the test question given by the host and Professor Regmi. What does Dr. Xu Zhuo think?


      Xu Zhuo: I think this question must not be a single solution, it should be interdisciplinary.


      Bao Jinyun: I think Professor Regmi has a good relationship with Chinese scholars. He often discusses with us on various issues. The first discussion was about the construction of the China-Nepal railway, and then he participated in political, economic, social, ecological and religious issues. It gives us a very intimate feeling. This time, I think we can also look at this issue from the perspective of ethics. In fact, national politics has ethical significance, that is, the order of a state depends on every member of the state to maintain it.


      Xu Zhuo: It makes sense that the long-term survival of a country requires political ethics, and the country's future also depends on political ethics. I understand that, in the final analysis, each member has a loyalty to his or her motherland in identifying with it.


      Yang Rongtao: Well said, Dr. Xu Zhuo! From the academic point of view, ethics has a certain interpretation of the Yumai story.


      Suolang Dunzhu: I have studied in college for several years, and I can understand the dialogue of teachers. The story of Yumai must have our family's loyalty to the motherland in it, which means that no matter what difficulties and hardships, our loyalty to the motherland will always be there.


      Host: Yes. A small Yumai brings up a big topic. The community of the Chinese nation has an endless story to tell, and I think that in early July this year, when the 120th anniversary of the"Gyantse Campaign" of Xizang's army and people's heroic resistance to the invading British army. we can continue the topics of loyalty to the motherland,life and death sharing, destiny sharing.


      Sun Yong: Yes, I agree with the host's suggestion. Remembering the war that happened and the invasion of our country by colonialists is the thinking foundation of every Chinese scholar in academic research, and it is also one of the historical reasons why we must forster a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.


      Regmi: We can also hear more Chinese stories in the thematic dialogue to forster the sense of community for the Chinese nation, which is a very valuable academic exchange experience.


      Amin: In a peaceful environment, people can appreciate the peace and harmony is precious, and in the kind of environment that is constantly disturbed by gunfire, people are more yearning for peace and tranquility. The story of Yumai is one of the highlights of the Chinese story. Here, I realized that the Chinese leadership's concept of"a community with a shared future for mankind" is a true philosophy of peace and a humanistic concern for the weal and woe of mankind.


      Bimala Dahal: The world needs such philosophy and humanistic care, which is the basis for the United Nations to write the"community of Human destiny" into the document, which is a major contribution of China to the process of world civilization.


      Xu Zhuo: Just now, Ms. Bimala Dahal talked about the role of communication in telling good stories about China. My inspiration is that the theory of the discipline should also be combined with practice, and the fact that we Chinese and foreign scholars can talk to each other through a platform for private academic exchanges is related to the innovation of this public account.


      Suolang Dunzhu: I was invited to participate in this discussion, which opened my eyes to the possibility of this form of connection with the wider world. Thank you, host! Thank you, teachers! My hometown Shannan City Longzi County in recent years has changed a lot, more and more beautiful! Welcome to travel to Shannan and visit Longzi County.

      (2023年西藏自治區(qū)山南市隆子縣城的夜景燈火璀璨 The night scene of Longzi County, Shannan City, Xizang Autonomous Region, is illuminated in 2023)


      Bao Jinyun: Speaking of this, I think that to tell the Chinese story well, to make the"highly difficult actions" mentioned by Professor Regmi in issue 64, there is also the guidance of the science of thinking, which includes scientific linguistics, informatics, pattern recognition, education, management, philology and other disciplines, and now there is the intervention of artificial intelligence.


      Yang Rongtao: There should also be a system theory here, and there should be an overall arrangement. Of course, an important factor is the"feelings of family and country", which was affirmed in the last dialogue of international friendly scholars.


      Regmi: Yes. My admiration for my Chinese academic colleagues is often due to the"feelings of family and country".


      Amin: Through the exchanges with Chinese academic colleagues, my biggest feeling is"patriotism".


      Sun Yong: Thank you, my friend! Although this kind of online simulation scene dialogue is an immature and innovative form, we can talk harmoniously through this form, constantly communicate and form a consensus, which is the embodiment of"people-to-people connection"!


      Xu Zhuo: I personally got the guidance of Mentor Sun Hongnian, and gradually understood the significance of this form of innovation. Of course, the accidental emergence of innovation is actually a reflection of long-term necessity thinking.


      Bao Jinyun: I agree with Dr. Xu Zhuo, the last sentence has the meaning of philosophical thinking in it.


      Regmi: The dialogue between Chinese scholars themselves is very interesting, and I welcome all of you to have the opportunity to visit my hometown and exchange ideas.


      Host: This is a very meaningful conversation. On the basis of the previous dialogues, the thematic discussion on"Forstering a strong sense of community for the Chinese Nation" (5) will come to an end here. I am here to express my gratitude to friends who are familiar with and are getting familiar with! Through the public account"China-Nepal Railway and South Asian Exchanges", we will have more and more friends, and we will do more and more things, because in this new era, solidarity and cooperation is the link between experts, scholars and social builders. Thank you again for your interlocutors. Good luck!

      (在中國西藏,扎西德勒和吉祥如意,在歡樂的時候,是人們頻頻使用的祝福語。In Xizang, China, Tashi Delek and Jixiang Ruyi are frequently used in times of joy)

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